I gained 8 lb in 4 weeks.

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I gained 8 lb in 4 weeks. 医生说 should be 1 lb per week.

Now I think I'm back to normal weight gain. But I don't know why I look fat. There are some girls who have a big belly but still look very skinny.

I also stopped 瑜伽. School started a months ago and I have very bad schedule this term. I don't know what to do with 锻炼. Also I am very lazy! I have a 孕妇瑜伽 DVD at home but I get too bored with it. I am thinking about getting a different 瑜伽 DVD.

I don't know why we want to wait.... It's more fun to wait, like a long term game. Perhaps my LG and I both like surprises. This baby is a big surprise. My parents really want to know 男女, but they have to wait too. :)
