
我在一家hedge fund IT 工作将近三年了。年薪倒是很高,不过压力非常大。我同时在读MBA. 马上要毕业了。现在面临switch career 的问题。可是又怀孕3个月了。最近经朋友介绍,去一家IBank 面试了一个intern part-time position. 刚刚拿到Offer,可却不知和去何从。
Intern position

1. pay very low. only 35,000/yr. 还没有我现在工资的零头。
2. but it will help me to gain financial experience, which is my future career goal.
3. intern position is very flexible, no pressure at all, good for me and my baby's health.

Current position
1. very demanding, high pressure.
2. I have to pay back my MBA tuition and give up maturity leave. About 40k damage financially.
3. I hate my job, don't see it has anything to do with my future.

请大家指教。 先谢过了!
