左翼们最近大力主张立法禁枪,大有推翻奠基美国的权利法案第二修正案(持有与佩戴武器的权利)之势。所幸的是,要修改美国宪法,不是一个政党,就算是在参众两院同时占绝对优势时,所能做到的。宪法既然是法律的基石,就不能随便动摇。最近大力主张立法禁枪只是左翼们热衷干预的一个的例子, a knee jerk reaction.
Mark Steyn? Oh, no! I am far better educated than he is!
But hey, who’s to say that I am consequently a more eloquent and prolific writer than he is?
I am also much younger than him, which does not necessarily mean that my points are less of cliché.
I have no option but to settle for being me.
bjtogb 发表评论于
I felt your style is similar to Mark Steyn, one of my favorite columnist. His recent book, American Alone is eye openning for me.
killara 发表评论于
Thanks for liking one of the least popular pieces in WXC. Although it has been 置顶ed by many forums, it is one of the least clicked ones. I would really hope it is simply 曲高和寡。
BJTOGB 发表评论于
Very well written. Couldn't agree more. I read almost all your articles in your Blog. The Al Gore one is equally great. Look forward to reading more...