---by 辛伯达的航船

说起80年代的欧式舞曲旋风,当中最具代表性的就非Modern Talking莫属了。来自德国的Modern Talking成军于1983年,由于二位团员实力坚强,初试啼声后即缔造锐不可挡的欧式舞曲风潮。大帅哥主唱Thmas Anders有着一副特殊嗓音与迷人风采,极富创作才情的作曲者兼制作人Dieter Bohlen则是打造该团黄金歌曲的狠角色。1984年推出的首支单曲『You're My Heart, You're My Soul』便以迅雷不及掩耳的强力旋风,吹刮在全球的各大小舞坛中。在发表了第二首单曲『You Can Win If You Want』以后一年,1985年首张LP大碟『The First Album』问世。1986年的『Brother Louie』更是陪伴许多人走过青涩岁月的解压歌曲,这首歌实在是太有名了,以至于被50多种语言翻唱过。林珊珊翻唱的粤语版叫『连锁反应』,邓洁仪翻唱的国语版叫『路灯下的小姑娘』。这几句"在一盏路灯的下面,有一个小姑娘在哭泣....亲爱的,小妹妹,不要不要哭泣...",纵使你不会唱,估计也会在当年大街小巷的各种扩音喇叭薰陶中听到耳熟!
以后的两年中,Modern Talking凭着优雅的假声演唱和清新的舞曲节拍红遍了整个世界,事业达到了顶峰。在Modern Talking的声势正如日中天时,两人竟因理念不合而在1987年时分道扬镳了,同年年底唱片公司推出两人解散后才出版的专辑『In The Garden Of Venus』。但如此的黄金组合怎可能就此解散消失呢!两人在度过不是很成功的十年单飞后,终于又在1998年重新携手合作,推出重组后的首张精选大碟『Back For Good』,并创下全球销售一千万张的佳绩.

Modern Talking - Brother Louie Lyrics
Dear, love is a burning fire stay
'Cause then the flames grow higher babe,
Don't let him steel your heart
It's easy, it's easy
Girl, this game can't last forever, why?
Why can not live together
Try, don't let him take your love from me
You're not good, can't you see brother Louie, Louie, Louie
I'm in love set you free
Oh, she's only looking to me
Only love breaks her heart brother Louie, Louie, Louie
Only love's paradise
Oh, she's only looking to me
Brother Louie, Louie, Louie
Oh, she's only looking to me
Oh, let it Louie
She's undercover
Brother Louie, Louie, Louie
Oh, doing what he's doing.
So, leave it Louie
'Cause I'm a lover
Stay, cause this boy wants to gamble Stay,
Love is more than he can handle, girl
Oh, come on stay by me forever, ever
Why does he go on pretending that
His love is never ending fate babe,
Don't let him steel your love from me/>