值得一看的影片《hanover street》

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浪漫主义的经典影片《Hanover Street》

主演: Harrison Ford, Lesley-Anne Down, Christopher Plummer

故事梗概:  During the Second World War, an American pilot stationed

 in England meets a young British nurse during an air raid on London.

The two instantly fall in love, despite the fact that the young nurse is

already married, a secret she keeps hidden from her American lover.

After being shot down behind enemy lines, while being assigned to ferry

 a British agent into France, the American pilot realizes that his secret

cargo is in fact his lover's husband, and that the two must now work

together in order to survive

In an early action role, Ford plays David Halloran, an American agent who

 wins the affections of Anne-Down's Margaret Sellinger, a British nurse.

This being a war movie, there is nothing straightforward about the couple's

relationship, with Sellinger deciding to keep quiet about her marriage to UK

secret serviceman Paul (Plummer). And then, in the sort of coincidence you

only encounter in slightly shoddy movies, Halloran and Paul find themselves

trapped behind enemy lines and forced to co-operate if either is to return to

the woman they love.




在这部影片里还有一个著名演员Christopher Plummer, 他是在电影


