昨天早上我提中概航空股, 有人注意了吗?

CEA ZNH 都+10,




来源: noMatter 于 07-09-18 07:45:40

but depends on your time frame, most will end up being equal more or less after a long time, say 5 years,

for short term, then you have to roll with the market... bank hot then bank, steel hot, then steel, airline hot then airline, etc,

airlines could be a "safer" double from here in 5 years. CEA and ZNH are valued at 4 and $6B, (they have a lot of debt), given that Singapore gov't just put down some $1B for 25% of CEA (not too sure on details, check news yourself), you are at least not overpaying for it by a big margin,