我有个聪明的老板 IAN, 十年前自己组建了个公司,靠他的聪明,公司一直很稳定.
他学什么都很快,象模象样,喜欢自己动手做事情,设计图片,组装计算机, 修理计算机, 设计装修房屋, 什么新潮学什么, 还是个体育健将, 甚至在来不及的情况下,和我们一起编程.
He said, everything is logic. Nothing you cannot do as long as you follow the logic.
昨天, 他发给我个EMAIL, 里边写着:
喂你好露丝,今天怎么样您! 希望您有一了不起的天。 感谢,伊恩。
正在琢磨,他何时学的中文,已经可以翻译短句了,他兴冲冲跑了来,问: WHAT DID IT SAY?
I said, didn’t you write this?
He said, I wrote this by translator.
I asked, what kind of software did you use to translate this?
He answered, Microsoft office word 2007! It does translation in a second!
I explained him a little bit and tried myself using MS office word 2007 to translate a article. It is amazing!