接连听到几个敬佩的网友健康恶化—生命之船上好像突然间加上了一个滴答作响的时钟。 除了感叹人生之短暂,无力,无奈和脆弱,也让我们不得不重新审视自己的过去和现在,期许那些似乎遥远的未来,不得不面对“生死”,这样一个人人想要避免介入的话题—不过生命的时钟并不会因为我们对它的态度而停顿,I say, life and death, they are both worthy of celebration!
死亡也好, 生存也罢, 都值得庆幸--轮到我的时候, 我自然有自己的方式。 It is always an amazing thing that in this life, we love oursleves the most, but we care more about other people's opinion.
走自己的路, 让别人打车去吧!
北鹤 发表评论于
You got the idea! There are words that can not be placed in some situations, I could only exposed a little bit of what I really wanted to say, and you summarized it well. Being a silent follower is one thing, when it comes to words, a balanced act has to be in place, somehow...Let's face it, look through all the superficial ornaments, we really are preparing it for ourselves...
You must have followed some sagacious men, and you are following well.