For the rough-and-tumble 4-year-old, a pond-themed room was the way to go. Cool blue stars in the "outdoor" space, painted frogs, reeds, and clouds create no-worries artwork throughout the room. Underfoot, a large braided rug creates the look of water.

Choosing simple patterns such as stripes and zigzags gives the bedding longevity.

Frog and pond-themed motifs were painted on the walls and surround the space with whimsy.

In lieu of curtains, a wooden treatment (called a lambrequin) topped with wooden cutout clouds gives the space dimension, signaling blue skies ahead for the room's happy resident.

Fleece no-sew tie-top panels conceal the television in Gabe's room. The television and versatile drawer units can be removed to make room for a computer and desk chair in a few years.