儿子的参与有时候也着实会给我很多负担。儿子很固执,很bossy,不太确定是因为terrible two ,还是他本身的基因使然,多半是两个原因都有吧。所以,规矩还是立了一些的,儿子也因为自己的固执吃了一些苦头,被妈妈无情的惩罚过,直到认错为止。令我吃惊的是,一点点的小孩子,居然都知道face saving,总是要给个台阶下,才善罢甘休。可巧,这母子俩人性格相像,以后战事是免不了的了。Be ready.
海鸥飞处 发表评论于
melly 发表评论于
Thank you 飞飞. When will you re-open your blog? Missing..
Yes, walking is truly good for physical and mental health. Plus, pollution free.
飞飞~ 发表评论于
melly 发表评论于
It is gonna be very interesting, not only for him, but also a record of myself.I am sure many stories happen when a kid learns to speak. Very funny.
You can definitely trace down the similarities in your memories. :))
melly 发表评论于
I think so too. :))
归来 发表评论于
You should let him to learn Chinese well. It will be very interesting for him to read your blog when he grows up.
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
Lovely!!! It could be a practice gound for dealing with interpersonal relationship.