Nonsese! These things happened long time ago. Now the black man are always getting more benefits in every where. If anything happen, then blame others for race discrimination. They are really a group of criminals and lazy person.
赖特牧师也算是这个国家三月份揪出来的一个不爱国的典型,所以如果能够听听他的辩解应该是非常有意思的事情,可能中国的爱国分子对这个没兴趣,那我就说两句吧,这个在国家新闻俱乐部的没什么意思,太政治了,我倒是看了他在naacp上的演讲最后10分钟,不是一般的精彩,此人能把他所掌教会有87个人发展到8000人绝非等闲之辈。他也讲change,但是那是如何改变信仰的change. We are committed to change the way to treat each other. We are committed to change the way to MISTREAT each other. 对后一个命题相当的感兴趣