Nira Chives----韭菜的好品种. (图)

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July 29, 2008


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Garden Center > Garden Seed > Herbs > Chives

Nira Chives

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Nira Chives

Allium tuberosum

12 in. Hardy Perennial

A stunning, flat-leaf garlic chive that can be harvested several times throughout the season to flavor countless dishes. It also adds delicate accents of white flowers to your herb bed. Zones 3-9.

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Plantin Depth:3/8in.

Soil Temp.:55-75F

Days to Germ.:7-14

Plant Spacing:10-12

Days to Maturity:60-90

Full Sun

Moderate Water

~100 Seeds per Pack

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Nira Chives

Item #: S17175

Price: $2.79


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