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若干年前 , 还是学生的我曾经在一个飘雪的日子里游历了那所美丽的小城和校园 , 学校不大 , 可是规整有序 , 宁静而致远 , 如果是在秋高气爽的季节里 , 校园肯定会五彩斑斓地美丽 , 因为它地靠落基山脉 , 山清水秀 , 有着得天独厚的条件 , 然而今天 , 从来就默默无闻的这个小城 , 却一跃登上美国各大媒体的头版头条 , 让世人在不安和焦虑中度过了难忘的一天 .

                                  Massacre At Virginia Tech

More than 30 people were killed Monday in a shooting rampage at Virginia Tech, according to university officials -- making it the deadliest school shooting incident in U.S. />/>history. Virginia Tech President Charles Steger called the killings "a tragedy of monumental proportions."


Before Monday, the deadliest mass shooting occurred in 1991, when George Hennard drove a pickup truck into a Killeen/>, Texas/>/>, cafeteria and fatally shot 23 people, before shooting and killing himself.

The deadliest school shootings came in 1966 and 1999. In the former, Charles Joseph Whitman, a 25-year-old ex-Marine, killed 13 people on the University/> of Texas/>/> campus. He was killed by police.

In 1999, 17-year-old Dylan Klebold and 18-year-old Eric Harris -- armed with guns and pipe bombs -- killed 12 students and a teacher before killing themselves at Columbine/> High School/>/> in Littleton/>, Colorado/>/>.

美国校园里接二连三的枪击事件听起来毛骨悚然也让人不寒而栗, 说到底还是立法者没有严格进行枪支管理造成的隐患. 只要没有犯罪记录的成年公民都有权买枪, 这种过度的自由对整个社会的安全都是极大的考验. 类似这样的事件绝非以后能够防微杜渐. 无论是什么民族,种族, 文化, 国家, 只要有人的存在, 就会有各种各样的社会问题.


前阵子田纳西州一个33岁三个小孩的母亲枪杀了她当传教士的先生, 尽管她陈列了许多他们婚姻不为人知的内在问题, 她最后也禁不住承认她当时”Ugly came out”. 这种人性的UGLY是无法预测的. 没有法律的约束和限制, 就会有无数的UGLY蹦出来. 立法者直到现在还在避重就轻, 没有采取任何措施, 终有一天是要为这种自由付出惨重的代价的.
