1.1 “听说过好几个这样的例子了, 技术最好的, 反而第一个被裁. 所以说, 这年头做工要有点解剖学知识。 “彼节者有间, 而刀刃者无厚, 以无厚之入有间……” 千万不能太大刀阔斧了.”
1.2 “是啊,我也觉得好奇怪,公司雷掉了好几个技术很好但不擅交际的老中. 留下的反而是平时不出活, 会混的. 不擅长交际会吃这么大的亏”
1.3 “Well, a person so good at tech -- is just somebody who himself thinks he is so good, but the notice of firing cannot be more clear: "The company no longer needs your tech". The guy does not get it, something is awefully wrong, is that notice clear enough? Is the fact clear enough that this guy was not able to get hire for one year? Is it clear that he still mistakes firing as lay-off?
To me, it's damn clear that this guy is living in denial! And this is a typical example that somebody just cannot make it, so he does his best to find something, so he can make his fate justifiable. It's nothing surprising, it's just another example of major failure.”
1.4 “所谓技术最好的,很多时候都是自以为是的人字封的”
1.5 “现在是金融危机期间,不要辞职,不要换工作,不要转行,不要创业。不主动要求老板涨工资,裁员往往从高薪员工开始……”
2. 被裁后心理调节
2.1 “裁两次就习惯了,俺一旧同事,每次被裁的当天晚上,到处打电话报信,嘻嘻哈哈,像娶了二奶似的。 ”
2.2 “俺被雷一次,仅花五分钟遗憾没时间放Bug.”
2.3 “before lay-off, work out a plan for your financial payments for mortgages, rents, and other fixed monthly expenses. if you get laid off once or twice, you get used to it, it's no big deal.”
2.4 “今天我突然想明白了,其实layoff也好,fire也好,都不是什么大不了的事,我们在世界上还有那么多好玩的地方没有去,Disney, Florida那么多的地方还没有去过,我打定主意了,一旦发生了,这次我一定要带着孩子去趟远门,管他什么古罗马角斗场,还是乱游欧洲的。”
2.5 “Time to have a break. Well, start from small things first -- pick up some old books/musics; hang out in a coffee shop for a afternoon, go to see movies... enjoy youself for a little while then start to plan your trips. By then you probably have better idea of what you really want to do.
You can change your perspectives and life style because of events happened or is happening in your life. But life is so real, at all times.”
“This is easy:)。 You have been looking since layoff -- no worries, nobody cares about this, of course you'll be in a relatively poor position for bargaining, but right now in such a situation who can bargain anyway?”
“Tell the truth and only truth:). Serious: tell truth on this, make stories to dress it up.”
4. “Layoff期间的记录对以后找工作的影响?”
“Layoff期间拿失业金对以后找工作的影响是零. There is nothing to worry about it.
Now days many company do layoff good people. So it is not a big deal. I had three layoff in the past, I told them clearly during the interview, they all understand.”
5. “如果被雷,回国仍可以拿unemployment benefit吗?”
5.1 “NO/YES - because it is very hard to prove you are still looking for job.
Sure, you can ask somebody to sign your UI claim forms and deposit checks to your bank account if EDD could not find the truth.(If it does, you get trouble). If you notify EDD your intention to go back China for a couple of weeks, EDD will likely put your UI claim into idle till you get back and re-open the case.”
5.2 “No problem if the policy in each state is same. I am not sure for your state. With my experience, it is no problem for you back China to get your unemployment compensation after they proved your application. but you should be in U.S.A when they verify your claim. This is last step for your procedure. After that, then you can choice either by phone or by online to claim biweekly, the money will deposit your account directly if you choice this way.”
5.3 “如果想回国,又要拿 unemployment benefit, 请千万放弃这一念头.
1) 要你退出同时期的unemployment benefit
2) 罚金是你 3 ~ 5 个月的unemployment benefit
3) 在你的SSN下面永远会有一个记录
请小心为妙, 三思而后行 :)”