在美国久了每次回上海就觉得人好多,而且到处都是各地方来的人,现在的上海已经很不象我们小时候长大的上海了. 只有与小时后同学相聚时才能找到那种小时候的回忆.
有时后不知道自己在那里,在美国时想上海, 在上海超过两周以上又想美国的安静.
每次回上海最想吃的还是那生煎馒头和小笼包. 在新华电影院陕西南路上那一家不知道是否还在?
I didn't know that you were also from Shanghai. A pleasant surprise.
It is strange that I barely miss Shanghai since I came here except my parents and brother. I wish they could stay closer to me. Blood is always thicker than water. But if I stayed with my parents everyday, I would go nuts. lol
How fortunate that you have your best friend around. The majority of my friends are Americans and most of them are male. Occasionally, I feel a bit empty somehow.