经常在垮坛里徜徉,看到符合这些标准的女人真不少!那里的姐妹大多受过高等教育,博士硕士比比皆是,看过照片之后,更可以断定为美貌和智慧的结晶体。最重要的是,许多 JM 都有一颗善良宽容的心,遇到求助的 MM ,总是热心给与支持,甚至不厌其烦地以自己为实例给与鼓励。
在我看来,西方人的审美观与东方人不同是有的,但大家对美的认识还是共性的多。比如说,国人喜欢身材玲珑有致的 MM ,西方人也是一样。国人喜欢面带微笑,性格开朗的女性,西方人更是如此。有人偏要说西方人喜欢小眼睛大嘴巴的女孩子,其实那真是“各花入各眼”,比如我的一个哥们(国 GG )自身条件相当好,但就是喜欢小眼睛的姑娘,最后娶了个林忆莲类型的回家,还一个劲儿得跟我们说“别拦着我,我就好这口儿!”同样,想要娶“胸大无脑”的 trophy wife 回家的男人,古今中外也比比皆是。
那么,为什么会有这么多秀外慧中的外嫁女呢?我认为,西人在结婚前除了看对方的外表,有没有 physical attraction 之外,还非常看重夫妻性格是否适合,两人能否很好的沟通,对方是否有独立的人格等等。所以,外嫁 MM 大都外文了得,有非常好的 communication skills ,同时还有一颗既宽容他人文化,又善待自己(这样日子才过得痛快)的心。生活在西方主流文化中,她们那 a sense of humour 不仅会帮自己度过很多关坎,更会让身边人充满微笑。 这样的 MM ,你认为美不美?
Apparently, the most racially derogatory remarks (or sometimes gestures)against Chinese are unfortunately and repeatedly made by our own sisters. What those people have done or said simply express a kind of culturally inferior feeling based on your own Chinese origin to,say, European-originated cultures. Shame indeed! From my overseas experience, our sisters are the most racially biased (some above remarks could underscore my assertion. And for those who praise hybrid I totally agree but the genetic probability is equal that they may be even worse( ha~ha~, relax, just kidding)
I totally agree. I am happily married to a white guy. I am 5 feet 3 and very pretty by all standards. When I was in China, I liked a guy and he liked me too. He is 190cm and told me that if I were a bit taller he would definitely marry me - so I am too short for him! Now I told the shallow guy that my husband is 6 feet 2.
JNR 发表评论于
The statement that only ugly Chinese girls marry foreigners is from China guys, obviously. Because Chinese guys have this sentiment towards Chinese girls who marry foreigners, “why you marry foreigners? We are not good enough for you? They have this sour- grape and insecure feeling…. I am one of those girls who are married to Americans, I don’t think I am ugly at all…. As a matter of fact, I am pretty okay, highly educatcationed, and with excellent English communication skills, good job, very independent financially and spiritually…