powerpoint文件从开始的30多页, 删减到最后8页, 美观还得精练, no BS, straight to the point. 跟几个友人提到演讲的事, 他们说你那种报告的内容和数据不管怎么讲都会boring, 不如帮你做个video collage加插中间to add color and flavor.
我们三人小组一人管music和照片,一人put up the video collage together, 我是art director. 可每人都超忙, 没时间细做, 到了昨天(周四)下午6点, 小电影还没做好那我今天1点就得讲演! 我说晚上的咖啡我全包了得加班加点, 不做好不睡觉!
The video production process was a lot of fun. We argued and discussed different ideas about how to put the collage together. Whenever we inserted a photograph that goes perfect with the video and music, we clapped and cheered. 八只眼睛发着疲劳的红光, “awesome!”, “this is it!”. 我们不只是在做video, 而是在enjoy 这段共同成长和创作, 心有灵犀的美好时光. 真的很美好哎! 同学们, 傻兔又领悟了一个真理, 友谊和爱情一定要找志同道合的. 引伸: 有半点狭疵不肯就范的都得马上淘汰, 绝不姑息~.
会议结束后N个前辈跟我说, “you delivered a beautiful speech!”; “your presentation is the most interesting of all, I enjoyed every minute of it”; “fantastic!”; 一个老白还上来握住我双手说他很骄傲认识我知道我是这个组织的一员. 我老板连说两遍: “it was outstanding!!” . 嘻嘻, 其实也没啥了不起的啦, 主要是老美大方, 从不吝啬夸奖别人 :D.
这里肯定很多大侠做过大大小小的出色报告, 不要笑我没见过世面小题大做哦, 这可是我的处女presentation in front of this kind of heavy duty audience. I have given other public speeches but none compare in level of importance, pressure and difficulty.
After long hours of hard work and 100% focus and concentration on the job, one week of nervousness and 2 sleepless nights, I got through with flying colors. What a great relief! Achieving the mission impossible is euphoric!
同学们在网上穷欢乐的时候傻兔我可是头疼滴编辑着英语段落原创着艺术小电影那. 苦尽甜来现在感觉超棒! 人笨又老又丑不要紧, give it your best shot, 丑小鸭早晚能变天鹅!