呵呵~先把音量调小......用录音笔录的,过于敏锐,我懒得处理了。刚才发现这几个例子举的都很典型,尤其是后面那段,都是练习各种情况下连读的好例子,谢谢bill了!It's very important to realize that we live in a world of duality. Whats the word, please?Duality. Thank you -- duality. Give me some examples. Up and down / Right and left / Light and dark /Short and tall/ Rich and poor/ Male and female/ Black and white. ham and eggs bread and butter Coffee? With cream and sugar? No, lemon and sugar. ... And some more cookies? (这里原读的“and some more...”处理很好啊,学习了!!)They kept going back and forth. We watched it again and again. He did it over and over.We learned by trial and error. Bill的原帖在这里:http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=mysj&MsgID=81154