Simple tips to exercise your brain

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Simple tips to exercise your brain 

Yes, our brain shrinks as we age. And vitamin B can help. But it's also important to remember that your brain is like a muscle. It needs exercise. And as with everything else, if you don't use it, you'll lose it.

So here are some suggestions for keeping your brain in tip-top shape:

  • Try reading books on topics that are unfamiliar to you.

  • Join a book club or cooking class.

  • Play Brain Age on the DS gaming system.

  • Take up crossword puzzles, solitaire, Soduku, or jigsaw puzzles.

  • Start a collection of teacups, shells, postcards, or vintage toys.

  • Use your non-dominant hand for everyday tasks, such as guiding the mouse on the computer or brushing your teeth.

  • Start walking (yes, studies show physical exercise improves memory!)

  •'s amazing how much you'll learn by visiting a new place.

  • Take a foreign language class at the community college.

  • Take up meditation.

  • Rearrange all the drawers at home or at your office.

  • Try to learn one "new" word a day.

  • Use cash to pay for your purchases.

  • Put together a scrapbook.

  • Memorize a new song or poem.

  • Volunteer at an elementary school library.

All these activities help to rebuild neural connections in your brain. And keep reading my Guide to Good Health. That's always a winner for your brain!
