说说美国的问题:回老看客对老中医回贴的回帖 :-)

Please allow me to refresh your memory: Just one week ago, the whole country, actually the whole world, was nervously watching if, for the first time in the history, our great U.S. of A. would default on some of its debt obligations. For that kind of uncertainty (or “risk” if you wish) alone, this country did NOT deserve a “perfect score” for its credit rating. Period! As I said yesterday, S&P just took an action that had been long overdue. So, let’s not shoot the messenger.

Yes, I was also saying that the U.S. is going down. Actually going down fast! This country’s current crisis is well beyond what is going on at the Wall Street. The economy crisis that we are witnessing has its deep root in the society as a whole. The society and its key principles that made the nation the superpower that all other countries looked up to are decaying. Let’s look at  some pieces of this sickening society:

1. Shameless, reckless, election-focused, near-term-oriented politicians. Do I need to elaborate more on this?!

2. The dysfunctional two-party political system. Yesterday, there was a good debate about this issue on Bloomberg TV, if you care.

3. The stupid public that kept sending wrong people (either an idiot or a fancy talker) to the Presidential chair.

4. The same stupid public that thinks it is alright for people or the country to borrow money FOREVER to keep up with a lifestyle that they don’t deserve.

5. A lazier, unprepared workforce that is requesting more and more but producing less and less.

6. An education system that produces “products” who believe hip hop is cooler than science!

7. An very unhealthy population. The majority (yes, Majority!) of the country are overweight, obese, or severely obese. Ironically, this overly overweight population naively believes that they can afford free health care for everybody.  Good wish! And good luck!

I can give you a whole lot more points that paranoid me about this once a great notion. Some dramatic changes are desperately needed to turn around this nation!

For those who keep advising me “滚回中国去 J, I have a few words for you. This is MY country, and I have the right to criticize it. If this country has more people like me who can see things critically, it will have a better chance to reverse the course someday...


提上来回老中医网友:你的观点有些意思,但似是而非,恕本人难以赞成,和和。 -老看客-
