日交兵卒早玩完 晋升军长九十年 只要库藏不要灰 此中奥妙实在&玄 this is a word play only
猪跑爪不动 出现未洞察.....lack of alertness 脱皮作栋梁.....painful but useful then 堆积药是枷.....when your house is full of junk the remedy maybe like this---self discipline. 9 English words
把手头衔一个词 为何榔头非榔手 why is it called as a head not hand?
手有一些好漂亮 手抓帽子便碍手 4 English words
加加上瘾终糊涂 引证论述臭蛋上 收養某人啥模样 原是改写猪坚强 8 English words ad-