有一天出门,小帅看着缓缓启动的车门说:Life is a moving picture
新年又到了,去学校的路上,小帅说: One year just feels like a long day with 365 naps
某天我扎个马尾, 小帅说:妈妈,you look like an oversized 3rd grader with your pony tail.我大笑,这MP拍得妈妈心里可真受用.
小帅每晚总要我唱lullaby才肯睡觉,某晚,我唱完lullaby, 小帅突然说, 妈妈,Do you know what did I get for my 0 birthday? 我摇头,小帅说,I got a really realy big present at my 0 birthday. 我很疑惑的看着他,小帅很神秘的一笑,说:"That was you. You were my biggest birthday gift when I was born.”听得我当场飙泪.
丫丫某日听着Michael Jackson 的Beat it,在沙发上狂舞,突然停下来问,”Where’s Michael Jackson?” 我说,他已经死了,丫丫立刻接口,"oh no! That’s too bad. I can’t even say hi to him!”
小帅弹琴,丫丫在一边捣乱.小帅找了根棍子让妹妹绕着房间当马骑,”妹妹.When I start playing piano, you say ‘get it up’ and start riding the horse, ok?” 丫丫满口应承.
音乐响起,丫丫骑着棍子一圈圈的绕,满嘴无数次的说”get it up”,小帅不胜其扰,说:"stop it, 妹妹,you only say ‘get it up’when you start the horse.
丫丫立刻回复,"I know. 但是我的小马渴了,要停下来喝水,我要重新start it many times,so I have to say 'get it up' many times"