This posting was indeed great and I visited daily to enjoy the songs and please check occasionally to ensure its availability as I saw some other great web pages stopped functioning after a while once posted. Thank you again!
BTW, 达赖喇嘛也清楚彭丽媛是名佛教徒。2011年3月,林中斌拜访西藏流亡政府所在地——印度达兰萨拉,对达赖喇嘛提及此事,达赖喇嘛表示:“我知道彭丽媛,她不再否认自己是佛教徒了。(I know Peng Liyuan, she no longer denied that she is a Buddhist)”
yuanyuan88 发表评论于
stillthere 发表评论于
I met her in 1987 when she visited Winnipeg, MB, Canada. A humble lady, with great singing voice.
Read the story at