除了Elisabeth医术和科研成就,特别使参加追悼会者感动的是她和她的丈夫Robert(也是一位外科医生)对弱势群体的关怀和帮助。自从1995年,Elisabeth和Robert每年利用自己的假期到波多黎各为贫穷的、需要医疗帮助的儿童提供免费外科手术。她在那里的第一个手术是为一位严重烧伤造成奇形怪状的女孩Maria做整形外科手术。如今,Maria已经结婚并且是一位母亲。Elisabeth和Robert为许多贫穷的兔唇孩子、跛脚孩子们动免费矫正手术,使这些孩子们“to pursue their lives without the stigma of deformity.” Elisabeth的整形外科同事David医生在分享中引用了圣经《彼得前书》4:10描述“Elisabeth used her gifts to serve others”。Elisabeth正如她的亲人、朋友、同事、学生、病人在她的生平描述中所写“She was beautiful both inside and out, and a joy to be around…….”
主持Elisabeth追悼会的牧师Bob McCann是专程从旧金山飞到我们单位。Bob牧师也是多年前主持Elisabeth和Robert婚礼的牧师。他在追悼会讲道的一些话令我思考。他提到一本书《The Art of Dying》中观念之一“Living includes preparation for dying”;他也提到另一本书《Wounded Healer》中观念之一“Death and Life are the one…… To find the secret of death in the heart of life.”最终Bob牧师提到《圣经》中上帝“redemptive love”(救赎的爱)和“redemptive grace”(救赎的恩典)。讲道结束时,Bob牧师引用了圣经《约翰福音》11:25-26“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.”
追悼会的音乐前奏和尾曲是由4位音乐家们现场演奏的“Beautiful Savior”、“Amazing Grace”、“Blessed Assurance”,都是我喜欢和熟悉的圣乐。追悼会当中由两位钢琴家分别演奏Debussy的“Clair de Lune”和Bach的“Prelude in C”。Elisabeth的追悼会悲伤不舍中带着温馨和盼望,眼泪中带着欢笑,真正做到了“celebrating her life”。Elisabeth, you shall be missed.
音乐《Amazing Grace》
追悼会节目单一部分。自从1995年,Elisabeth和Robert每年利用自己的假期到波多黎各为贫穷的、需要医疗帮助的儿童提供免费外科手术。Elisabeth正如她的亲人、朋友、同事、学生、病人在她的生平描述中所写“She was beautiful both inside and out, and a joy to be around…….”
OMG, she interviewed me last year, and i had no idea she was sick then. She is such a nice person, which is why I recognize her immediately. So sorry to hear this.
觅音 发表评论于
nsd158 发表评论于
It's true that she is beautiful inside and outside. She considered other people first and always tried to help people. I was the lucky one to take care of her in her last days. I always read your post, now I just learnt we work in the same institute.