女儿在中文学校上9年纪,可她的写作能力让高年纪老师欣赏,且常拿她的作文当范文给11,12年纪的同学学习. 让周日,12年纪的老师让女儿再写篇作文给他们班当范文. 周三我下班回家,看到女儿一天苦相,急忙问长问短她:"怎么了?" 她说写不出作文. 这可不像她! 她一般都是文思泉涌,收不住闸. 她哥哥常为凑不够字发愁; 可她是为要说的话太多, 不知如何删减发愁. 今天怎么啦? 再问, 女儿竟哭了起来, 一边哭, 一边哽噎着说:"老师让写>,我写了好几次,都删了. 因为我觉得无论我用什么词汇, 都描绘不出妈妈在我心里的确切感觉. 我找不到合适的词来形容我心里的妈妈!"
我顿时感动的眼泪哗哗的, 这是不是就是"大爱无声"?!
附上女儿在她 facebook 里发的 post:
Oh, yeah, I don't know why I'm posting this but it just came into mind. I once said to myself, "The only thing I can express myself with is words." Yesterday I was starting to write about my mom for my Chinese essay. And then I realized that no words came to mind. And I started to cry because I felt like words betrayed me. It was horrible, my heart felt like it was shredded to pieces. And so at school today I was kinda down. I was also down because of stress though.