(from《The Communist Manifesto》Editted by Frederic L. Bender)
For the rest,nothing is more ridiculous than the virtuous indignation of our bourgeois at the community of women which, they pretend, is to be openly and officially established by the communists. the communists have no need to introduce community of women, it has existed almost from time immemorial.
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Bourgeois marriage is in reality a system of wives in common and thus, at the most, what the Communists might possibly be reproached with, is that they desire to introduce,in substitution for a hypocritically concealed, an openly legalized community of women. For the rest, it is self-evident that the abolition of the present system of production must bring with it the abolition of the community of women springing from that system, i.e., of prostitution both public and private.
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资产阶级的婚姻实际上是公妻制。人们至多只能责备共产党人,说他们想用正式的、公开的公妻制来代替伪善地掩蔽着的公妻制。其实,不言而喻,随着现在的生产关系的消灭,从这种关系中产生的公妻制,即正式的和非正式的卖淫,也就消失了。 [1] 安徽一副局长妻子杀死亲女后自首 举报丈夫贪腐 (图) http://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2013/05/14/2394737.html