根据ATP主教练Mark以及Blue/Green主教练Mike发来的波士顿马拉松训练计划,昨天傍晚应该是速度训练。主教练Mark给的训练计划是“6:30 pm at MR High School Track, SWU (slow warm up) 2 miles, and then 3x1600m(5K pace) w/4 min rec., 2 mile CD”;主教练Mike给的训练计划是“2400m warm-up, form drills, 7x800m with 400m rec., 2400m cool-down”。我原计划是与3位将跑波马的ATP跑友一起做主教练Mark给的速度训练。
哈哈,见笑了。其实我是因为儿子起的这个ID. 当时想加入一个游泳group. 不过我的确喜欢distance swimming, 大概游个一埋左右for crossing training 2-3 times a week. it's really good for legs & joins recovery. 我现在热情全在长跑上,要是什么时候tired, 就练铁人三项。还好咱中国人天生会自行车,快不快再说。:-)
thanks for all of your good words. 也祝你和企鹅先生平平安安,健康愉快!
I found I was in the same situation sometimes. it's easy to say following your body's feeling. but there are always something else in my mind to make things to become complex. Eventually, I think it's fine to go either way.
The weather in your area is a lot better than in my area (I am in new jersey). we have so many snows this winter and temperature is the lowest in recent decade. Fortunately, I enjoy running outdoor and breathing the fresh cold air.
Happy running!