我在第一次使用海娜染发前做了大量的网上搜索和阅读,有些英文资料不错,而且youtube上也有不少视频。鼓励大家都 do your homework and make informed decision 。这里有个中文论坛可供参考:http://www.bachinese.com/forum/simple/?t43345.html 另外土豆网上也可搜索到海娜染发的视频。
再次声明,我不是化学家,没做过研究调查海娜粉和其它成分混合后是否对人或某些体质的人有副作用,所以我用得好的未必也适合你。However, It doesn't hurt to try。我的学生们也觉得我的头发很漂亮,我告诉她们海娜染发的奇妙之处:只将白发变成金红。她们说:等不及要看到我变成满头红发的老太太,哈哈!
Have fun and good luck!!!
mouseear 发表评论于
深秋,你能说一下你买的是sold by 哪家吗?都叫all India store,但奇怪sold by 有好几家。
上次我买sold by cultural hub, 没问题。这次sold by USA GLOBAL STORE, 我买到假的了。
回复 'mouseear' 的评论 : I have been using henna bought from Amazon, haven't noticed anything different. Hmmm, I should check into it....
mouseear 发表评论于
Very nice information on henna powder! I was thinking to buy it from the store you recommended at Amazon. But some recent reviews complained about the quality - something like green dye in it. Do you have any recent update on the quality? I am new to henna, so...Thanks a lot!!!