粽子来了,枣儿是去年院子里产的。甜蜜的一天(^.^) -京燕花园- ♀ (499 bytes) (15 reads) 6/1/14 11:33:48
They are so tasty! I don't think 2 are enough for me -tern2- ♀ (76 bytes) (6 reads) 6/1/14 11:53:21
Fly over tern~~~~ a pot full of sweets i -京燕花园- ♀ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 6/1/14 12:38:49?哇,吃粽子啦~~~ -南山松- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 6/1/14 16:41:51
松松请上座,我把糯米泡一晚,蒸的枣粽子,很清香请尝(^.^) -京燕花园- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 6/1/14 20:43:07
Nice! jingyan=jian=減少=modify so zouma could win an award without real contribution-走马读人- ♂ (112 bytes) (12 reads) 6/1/14 12:13:35
走马大师you are having a busy & successful year, your earlier post of the Yangtze river is very helpful. -京燕花园- ♀ (161 bytes) (6 reads) 6/1/14 12:33:03
I need to prattice singing so i can relieve my eyes -走马读人- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 6/1/14 12:58:02
Looking forward to hearing your voice(^. -京燕花园- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 6/1/14 14:03:14
We participated and We enjoyed. Thank for the post -马下人- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 6/1/14 15:46:53
马下人,感谢你发了很多有思考有好歌的贴子,期待你更多分享,端午节快乐(^.^) -京燕花园- ♀ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 6/1/14 17:35:54