Jenny Kissed Me by James Leigh Hunt
Jenny kiss'd me when we met, Jumping from the chair she sat in; Time, you thief, who love to get Sweets into your list, put that in! Say I'm weary, say I'm sad, Say that health and wealth have miss'd me, Say I'm growing old, but add, Jenny kiss'd me. |
珍妮吻过我 珍妮吻了我, 当我们相见, 她从椅子上蹦起来跑到我身边; 时间, 你这恒古大盗, 喜欢在你的赃物中列着好事连篇, 要记上! 我已疲惫, 我曾伤感, 记上健康与财富与我无缘, 记上青春对我说过再见, 但加上,珍妮吻过我。 |