周末手机系统升级,结果直接影响中文输入。只好少打点字了。 最近一直在玩缝纫机,才发现技术不是最最重要的,只要敢动手,总有办法。蓝色高低裙子,后面露得比较多,前面膝盖以上,都太年轻了,所以自己加了蕾丝边。黑色摆裙,形很好,但是穿腻了,就想变变样子。试了黑白款,做的时候还是冬天。结果缝在内衬里,并不服帖。到了早春,就换成现在的黑色蕾丝。红裙是一件小礼服截的。黑色短裙穿不了,拿来改成上衣。孩子的裙子真好做,知道方法,半小时做一条。
1a. Free people skirt with added lace:
1a. Front:
1c. Added lace at the back to hide some skin
1d. Added lace at the bottom rim to hide some legs
2. Change the looks of an old talbot skirt
2a. Look A: Done it during the winter. The lace with feather was added to the lining which did not align well.
3. Red lace skirt: cut from a cocktail dress of smaller size because I like the color and the lace of this skirt.
4. A skirt changed into a top.
4a. Original skirt:
5b. Kids' pink circle skirt 5c. Kid's show