语言要准确、生动。准确靠阅读记忆; 生动来源于生活中敏锐观察。Specific is essential for clarity of English in oral and written communications — Living in America, you got concrete English daily, unlike vague guessing games in Chinese. Use specific vivid words "After someone excels, don't say "Great work." Be specific about what made their work great, so they can learn to repeat it. When you identify what your strengths are and where they're relevant, you can use them wisely."(Adam Grant)//Particularly helpful are the examples provided throughout my blog posts from previously well-written essays. Each example highlights an important section, such as Introduction, transition, ending, Sketches, and Justifications of the content.//The tools here serves those with interest for plain English. We encourage Chinese-English combination as such switch can precisely catch up the spirit of both languages in narratives to avoid loss in translation. How to get specific English? cut the barriers to find the right word ! "智者有判断力,会把握度,e.g., 邓(黑猫白猫抓到老鼠就是好猫)(语言因实物而记忆) set a complex with a simple vivid word. “熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会吟”,说明熟读背诵是学习诗歌行之有效的方法之一。熟读是学习的基础,只有反复诵读,才能对诗的韵味、声律、意境、语音节奏训练的重要等有较好的理解。语言语文素养犹如一棵大树,大量的积累是这棵大树的根,根深则叶茂,本固 则枝荣。 英语亦是如此: 先借鉴咯,看看人家是怎么写的,看的多了自然在心里就有个谱了。要想水到渠成,提升能力,从广义上来说,肯定要扩大我们的阅读量,在阅读中习得词汇和语法的运用,熟读反复诵读会吟的英语读音读得滚瓜烂熟例句用法和详细解释。通过阅读的体裁、风格、流派,能潜移默化地提高对语言文字的理解和驾驭能力。对生活的感悟越来越深,有了创作的冲动 - 生动来源于生活中敏锐观察。 //URL: http://www.wenxuecity.com/groups/bbs.php?act=bbsview&gid=2508&basecode=941886