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孙杨是前世界奥运会游泳冠军,他在澳洲有好多华人粉丝,特别是在澳洲的华人留学生。居然中国几十年才出现一个孙杨,所以孙杨就是国人的骄傲,国人的脸面,谁和孙杨过不去就是和中国人过不去。但是 澳洲有一个叫 马克·霍顿的游泳运动员。他就是不识时务,不知道孙杨中国粉丝的厉害,没有吃过和孙杨过不去的苦头,        要和孙杨因为兴奋剂问题而过不去,一直关系紧张。不给面子给孙杨,因此澳大利亚游泳选手 马克·霍顿一直被孙杨的粉丝攻击,谩骂,侮辱。但是 却极少有人听说了马克霍顿的父母,多年来也一直因为霍顿与孙杨的恩怨,而遭受到自称“爱国者”的不明华裔在澳洲人士骚扰和攻击。其中包括辱骂!投毒!入室骚扰!往泳池里扔玻璃!一群自称孔子信徒的人,频繁骚扰了霍顿家人四年,而且几乎澳洲全部的华人媒体都曾经参与了对马克·霍顿他和他的家人口诛笔伐,直到孙杨被禁赛八年,骚扰才逐渐停止下来。而澳洲的华文媒体没有一家关于对马克·霍顿骚扰事件进行报道,全部装聋作哑更没有一家澳洲的中文媒体为他们曾经的所作所反思道歉了,只有英文媒体《澳大利亚人报周末杂志》和《游泳世界杂志》进行了报道。



24 April 2020, 06:35am

Mack Horton Challenge To Sun Yang in Focus As Parents Cheryl & Andrew Horton Reveal The Horrid Happenings In Their Backstage Story To The Australian Weekend Magazine 

Mack Horton and his parents Cheryl and Andrew had to have military security follow them around during the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, younger brother Chad received threats, the family home was broken into, broken glass was placed on the bottom of the family pool, dog faeces hurled over the garden fence and pots and pans banged outside the home at night to cause disturbance on a regular basis after the Australian swimmer called out Sun Yang as a cheat in the wake of a 2014 positive test for a banned substance.

Since Rio 2016, the Hortons have faced constant abuse online, including death threats, had computers hacked and felt like they were living through a siege, The Australian Weekend Magazine reveals in an exclusive feature this weekend.

Andrew Horton receives regular briefings from national security and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade officials, the newspaper reports with shocking details of the “siege:” the family have been living under.

At one of the security meetings, Horton senior was told that Mack Horton’s podium protest after the World-Championship 400m freestyle final in Gwangju, South Korea, last year, was the lead story in 6,000 media outlets across the world. The Australian reports:

“Consular officials informed him 24 hours after his son’s comments in Rio that they’d received nine million messages and “none of them were pleasant”.

Sun Yang was in the news again yesterday after Swimming World alerted the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to a Chinese Swimming Association notice naming the 2012 Olympic 400 and 1500m freestyle champion as a member of the Olympic training team for a an April through June preparation exercise. The news left the likes of James Guy and other Sun rivals in the pool “speechless and shocked”.

WADA’s intervention resulted in the CSA withdrawing the “invitation” to Sun, who on February 28 this year was served an eight-year ban for tampering with a doping-control blood sample he removed from the chain of command after signing it over to the custody of anti-doping control officers in an out-of-competition test in September 2018.

The penalty was requested by WADA in its appeal against a FINA Doping Panel ruling in January 2019 to hand Sun a caution but go no further. A panel of three senior judges at the Court of Arbitration for Sport sided with WADA when it announced its decision on February 28 before releasing its Report In Full the following week.

Sun has until the end of this month to lodge an appeal with the Swiss Federal Tribunal (SFT). The CAS is based in Switzerland and subject to Swiss law, which is significant in terms of legal procedures and processes and human rights, for example).


Mach Horton – Rio Gold – Photo Courtesy: Erich Schlegel-USA TODAY Sports

This weekend in The Australian Magazine, Andrew and Cheryl Horton reveal the “backstage story of Mack’s public stance”. Before Horton deprived Sun of the Olympic 400m freestyle in Rio, he called the Chinese swimmer a “cheat” and said that he did not believe Sun had a right to be in Rio and racing alongside swimmers with a clean record.

Mack Horton, who is aiming to defend the Olympic 400m freestyle crown at a Games in Tokyo rescheduled by a year to July 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic, knew that Chinese fans would pepper him with abuse online but there was worse to come.

《澳大利亚人报周末杂志》就此事发出的独家长文报道(英文)的网站: https://bit.ly/2SlF8oL

澳大利亚游泳选手 马克·霍顿




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