想象一下,如果中美开战,中国能够在半年以内,打下菲律宾,马来西亚,新加坡,夺取印度尼西亚油田和橡胶园,兵锋逼近澳大利亚,下一步目标是封锁澳大利亚直至占领它吗?恐怕中国最野心勃勃的设想也只是打下台湾吧?所以不能小看了日本人,他们当初的成就是巨大的!同时,给美国的震撼也是巨大,小日本可不是piece of cake。在一段时间内,日本成功的攻势极大复杂化了美国的战略安排,如果不是苏联给力,美国是否能在两条战线上完胜,还是个未知数。
当年面对6%经济实力的日本,美国都打得那么费劲,在菲律宾和新加坡,英美军队丢了大脸,几倍于敌人还有坚城固守,居然投降了。连日本人都看不起,好好地虐待了他们一番,走不动就砍头,用枪管捅菊花,小日本也过了日白人姑娘的瘾,连叫fukai(深!)。麦克阿瑟作秀,什么I will be back。 当时作为菲律宾美军最高将领,他可是抛弃了自己的弟兄逃亡,怎么也不算光彩!
回复 'sce' 的评论 : 呵呵, 说明中国未雨绸缪, 老美跟着屁股转。 “a U.S. official told Reuters last week Washington does not yet have a plan to implement such measures. “。”, 这不是美国官员说得话么? 你懂不懂英文啊? 你的留言才是某个组织让你说的吧? 领薪水发留言的, 自己一篇文不会写。
“a U.S. official told Reuters last week Washington does not yet have a plan to implement such measures. ”是第一段里的?这是你发的那段里的内容。我不是说了吗,“你发的这段倒是有美国官员说的还没有采取(制裁)措施的计划。” 能击败骗子的只有昨天和明天的骗子。
回复 'sce' 的评论 : 呵呵, 说明中国未雨绸缪, 老美跟着屁股转。 “a U.S. official told Reuters last week Washington does not yet have a plan to implement such measures. “。”, 这不是美国官员说得话么? 你懂不懂英文啊? 你的留言才是某个组织让你说的吧? 领薪水发留言的, 自己一篇文不会写。
“While officials have warned that the United States was ready to take action against Chinese financial institutions facilitating trade in goods with dual civilian and military applications and the U.S. preliminarily has discussed sanctions on some Chinese banks, a U.S. official told Reuters last week Washington does not yet have a plan to implement such measures. “。
April 29 (Reuters) - An appliance maker in southern China is finding it hard to ship its products to Russia, not because of any problems with the gadgets but because China's big banks are throttling payments for such transactions out of concern over U.S. sanctions.
“While officials have warned that the United States was ready to take action against Chinese financial institutions facilitating trade in goods with dual civilian and military applications and the U.S. preliminarily has discussed sanctions on some Chinese banks, a U.S. official told Reuters last week Washington does not yet have a plan to implement such measures. “。
April 29 (Reuters) - An appliance maker in southern China is finding it hard to ship its products to Russia, not because of any problems with the gadgets but because China's big banks are throttling payments for such transactions out of concern over U.S. sanctions.
April 29 (Reuters) - An appliance maker in southern China is finding it hard to ship its products to Russia, not because of any problems with the gadgets but because China's big banks are throttling payments for such transactions out of concern over U.S. sanctions.