

2024 年 9 月 3 日,Aida ?u?uk

美国海军 40,000 吨级后勤支援船 Wally Schirra 已进入韩国韩华海洋巨济造船厂进行维护、修理和大修 (MRO) 服务,标志着韩美防务合作进入新时代。

据韩华称,这艘为海上其他船只运送弹药、食品、维修零件和燃料等补给的船只于 2024 年 9 月 2 日下午抵达巨济造船厂。

Wally Schirra 排水量约 40,000 吨,总长 210 米,总宽 32.2 米。它计划在经过大约三个月的船舶维护工作后交付给美国海军。

值得注意的是,美国一直在积极审查将船舶MRO工作委托给盟国的计划。因此,韩华海洋凭借其船舶技术和维护相关基础设施获得了主船维修协议(MSRA),并获得了Wally Schirra号船舶的合同。



US Navy's vessel enters Hanwha Ocean's shipyard in Korea for overhaul

VESSELS Sept 3, 2024, by Aida ?u?uk

A 40,000-ton logistics support vessel of the U.S. Navy, Wally Schirra, has entered Hanwha Ocean’s Geoje shipyard in South Korea for maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services, marking a new era of defense cooperation between Korea and the U.S.

According to Hanwha, the ship, which delivers supplies such as ammunition, food, repair parts and fuel to other ships at sea, arrived at Geoje shipyard on September 2, 2024, in the afternoon.

Wally Schirra has a displacement of approximately 40,000 tons, a total length of 210 meters and a total width of 32.2 meters. It is scheduled to be delivered to the U.S. Navy after undergoing approximately three months of ship maintenance work.

To note, the U.S. has been actively reviewing the plan to entrust ship MRO work to allied countries. Accordingly, Hanwha Ocean obtained the master ship repair agreement (MSRA) based on its ship technology and maintenance-related infrastructure and secured the contract for the Wally Schirra vessel.

An undisclosed Hanwha Ocean official noted: “We have become the first domestic shipyard to conduct an MRO project for a US Navy ship. We will continue the reputation of K-Defense through timely delivery based on the world’s best MRO-related technology.”

In addition to the U.S. MRO project, Hanwha Ocean is currently preparing depot maintenance and performance improvement projects centered on Hanwha Ocean-built export ships in countries such as Indonesia and Thailand.
