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主人性懒且拙,自家园子荒着枯着不管不顾,更喜欢去别人家枝繁叶茂的园子里走走 看看,指指点点,所以就有了这荒园乱谈。
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Beautiful as petals of a red flower

With thorns that pain can devour

Love is just like life

in bringing pain at times

and wonder of the moment, of the ages

and mysteries that go beyond the sages

It will confuse and use and yet abuse

And in the final end become united

In such a way as only it can and may.

cvet 发表评论于
哈哈,不是才女是“菜女“,不是美色是一脸”黄色“。谢谢 猪猪光临,请上坐,
飞花~ 发表评论于
cvet 发表评论于
to HY:已在艾园声明,第一稿是我写,领导指导下二稿三稿之后已面目全非,我自己也不敢

to feihua: 好些日子没见,你跑哪儿去了?

飞花~ 发表评论于
CVET--, 功力了得.