7/11 星期二--II



最近在看JENNIFER WEINER的另一本书,[GOODNIGHT NOBODY].之前看的[IN HER SHOES],我很喜欢,觉得JENNIFER WEINER描写女性心理和感情很细腻.[GOODNIGHT NOBODY]讲的是一个已婚女人,with 3 kids, living in a small and peaceful town, as a housewife, who used to be working as an editor in NYC. Apparently she is not quite satisfied with this kinda boring life, but its her choice, or say, she has been pushed into this way naturally. There is one chapter on how she met her husband after a bad heart broken experience by another guy. She described her husband with the word,--suitable, a suitable guy for marriage. Like all "desperate housewives", she secretly thinks abt that, if she chose another way, not just settle down for a suitable guy, but keep searching for passionate love...IF, nobody knows exactly what would happen with IF, that is why I wanna keep going on with my journey of being single, more opportunities to know abt the world, and life, and...MEN.

I adjusted my schedule recently, started going to gym during lunch break, then I can go home earlier after work. Marc goes to the same gym during lunch break too, I happened to see him there, twice. We talked for a while, working out, work issues...blah blah, quite casual talks. He is quite busy recently, with work, I know he is a workaholic anyway. And I didnt see the spark I saw a few months ago in his eyes any more, well, it doesn't matter, Marc is just a friend to me, I dont have the butterfly-in-stomach feeling for him at all. What I am trying to say is that, everything is just about timing.

Finally, its time to go home. I need to go to bed early tonight, and stop being such a moron who scares self by searching for some hidden killer in imaginations.


elpher 发表评论于
jgey 发表评论于
ttmouse 发表评论于
"Sienfield", "Sex and City" are two among of my daily favorites. Now, I am adding your diary. You are passionate, free spirit, strong, smart, ... and many more. I have been in both sides of the world(George's and yours), have to say I am happier person now than then. I admire your attitude to life, and see some of the similarities between us, such as writing software and like shoes(though do not own Jimmy Chou). If you wouldn't minding making new friend in Dallas, consider you have one now.