周日计划改变,我最终还是和Dave一起,天气好得不得了,我们一起去上野公园散步。看到公园的人工湖里有人在划船,我说,我记不得最后一次划船是什么时候了,Dave说,那我们去划船吧。于是,我成年以来的第一次划船,和Dave,在阳光明媚的午后,我一直觉得划船是比较cheesy的约会项目,很意外的感觉很好。我们把船靠在一片树荫下,Dave躺在船的一边,我慢慢爬到他身上,看着他的眼睛,吻他;他看着我的眼睛,说,“Jess, I need to tell you something...”我知道这一刻早晚会来,只是没想到会是在这样的情况下,Dave说他和他前妻谈过了,他们决定尝试重新弥补他们的关系。我听见自己心里轻轻的一声“咔”,好像什么东西裂开一样,但脸上仍然保持住迷人的笑容,对他说,“good luck”,阳光突然变得有些刺眼。我大概可以挂牌占卜了,前一天的预感即时转变成现实,应该庆幸,早报现早托生。
晚上我们分开的时候,我突然哭了出来。I didnt cry when Mario vanishing in my life, I didnt cry when I was in a tough situation that I had to quit the job, I didnt cry when I feel frustrated during job hunting...and now, I was crying. Actually it wasnt all about Dave, I guess I have built up a lot of pressure and depression inside when I going through all those dramas recently, finally the emotional crash came out. Dave was holding me, he said he felt bad, but thats not what I wanted, its not his fault at all. I just felt kinda frustrated and depressed, so couldnt hold the tears back, its not like he broke my heart, not at all. Today when I thinking of the matter again, I feel so embarrassed, and I shouldnt have taken my emotional crash out on Dave, now he would think that I am so emotionally attached to him, no, that is not right, damn.
This few days, I have thought a lot about life, but more I think more I get confused. I dont have any goal in life now, there is nothing that I really enjoy and wanna do, everything is quite much meaningless for me. I dont know how this happened to me, I am trying to figure out how I got to this stage from the beginning, but there is no answer. Why I cant have a job and feel happy like everybody else? Why I cant just commit to a guy, get married, have family and feel happy like everybody else? Whats wrong with me??? I used to be a normal kid, never got into any trouble, enjoyed school life, got good scores in every subject, I was doing very well on the normal routine...Then all of a sudden, I am out! I cant fit in the normal routine any more, and I cant find out a new routine for myself either, I am lost.
Later night I got on MSN, wanted to have some talk with dad, he always knows something I dont know about life. Offline messages popped out, by mom, they gonna take a bicycle trip to another city for a few days, lol, it seems they are having good time, I better not bother them with my shit. Everybody is happy, except me. Gosh, this is really hurtful, when I cant help feeling miserable... But, I dont wanna compromise yet, even though its tough, I know I need to keep going with all hopes, everything will be fine, I will be fine.
hahaha...you could have become a future-teller too...
come on, its not that bad, David didnt break my heart or hurt my feelings, its just bad timing, I feel frustrated, but I fully understand, so move on, very simple.
and he is still my friend, we still hanging out for coffee or talk, its cool.
songwaimai 发表评论于
songwaimai 评论于:2007-04-05 13:12:11 [回复评论]
jgey 评论于:2007-04-04 17:10:30 [回复评论]
dont worry, I am not that fragile, 最多是有些遗憾,怅然,不会太严重的。I enjoy all this drama, the result doesnt matter much really.
well, self-pitying? i would rather consider it emotional hole, up-down happens sometimes, you know, i am not fully stable in any sense :)
I appreciate your concerns.
朱珠儿 发表评论于
compromise? on what? on what you are looking for?
If you want the best, you need to be the best. What do you have to offer to a good company or to a relationship? From what I see, all you have is the youth and maybe some cleverness. But it is really nothing in the long run. You are wasting your youthful time away getting involved with unworthy guys. Your English is good, but you are looking for technical jobs, isn't it? What do you have to offer to a good company?
I like it that you never wanted to sell yourself for money or easy life. But, you need to stop your self-pitying and do something. Of course,if you think you still got time,and you are prettier, smarter or luckier than other people,so you don't need to work hard, then forget what I said.