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我知道申雪和赵宏博是大约四年前在华府 MCI Center 举行的世界锦标赛上。当时他们的表演真让人们感动,无论技术还是艺术表现都是绝对领先。他们的配合非常默气。他们的弹跳高度和速度都是无人可比。我至今记忆尤新。Long Program 演出后全场起立为他们鼓掌致意。他们把获得第二名的那对俄国选手远远甩在后面。同时入围的还有另外两对中国选手。我当时真为中国感到骄傲。他们在今年(2007)的世界锦标赛上又一次获得冠军。经过十五年的共同奋斗,他们终于走向生活伴侣之路,宣布定于明年结婚。我有幸找到了他们在2003年那场比赛的录像, 以及其它比赛和表演的录像。

1. 申雪和赵宏博在2003年华府 MCI Center 举行的世界锦标赛上(Long Program):


2. 申雪和赵宏博在2004年Grand Prix Final, Long Program danced to 柴科夫斯基的葫桃挟子:


3。申雪和赵宏博在2004年Worlds Exhibition:


4. 申雪和赵宏博2006 年于GPF Long Program:

 5. 申雪和赵宏博于2006 年冬季奥运夺冠后在中国的比赛:


6. 申雪和赵宏博在2004年Worlds (Long Program)

林贝卡 发表评论于
flamenco_girl 发表评论于
Welcome for visiting Rosa. I like your picture, very cute.
flamenco_girl 发表评论于
I know who you are talking about (the Russian couple). I was very impressed by them, and feel they were so perfect together. I guess god rarely allow perfectness existing long. There are very few this kind of perfect matches in pair activities, consider human population base.

I like to watch ice dancing too, but didn't trace the names. I saw the live world competition in the same event as above in 2003. It's interesting, but not as intense as figure skating.
melly 发表评论于
haha... you know me. However, I am only good at 纸上谈兵。

I remember a couple of russian figure skating athletes, who were popular in 90's ( not so sure), the lady had to be off stage after the man died because of failure of finding the right parter. So being a couple in personal life has brightsides and downsides.

Likewise, the impression and record strongly influence judge's assessment. So undoubtedly, chinese figure skating has gained more and more attention in the world.

As a combination of figure skating and ballroom dance, 冰舞is also fantastic. Is it gonna be your next post? hehe...
rosa 发表评论于
flamenco_girl 发表评论于
回复melly的评论: It's great to see the ideal pairs, isn't it? Usually, they don't have to work too hard to keep together, so that they can focus on the growth instead of internal energy consumption.
flamenco_girl 发表评论于
I know you'll like them. Figure Skating and Ballroom Dancing have lots similarity. It seems you are quite knowledgeable in Chinese Figure Skating. It's nice to see that China is growing acorss board.
melly 发表评论于
Yes,, their performences are perfect, technically and artistically. Before, chinese figure skating was beated mainly by artistic display while we set too much goals for difficult techniques. Now I can see, it is getting better and better. Figure skating is one of my favorite sports, though only visually enjoy. hehe... I guess the mutual adjustment in skating helped the coordination in personal life, vice versa. No wonder there are so many couples in figure skating and ballroom dances as well. Thanks for sharing. very beautiful and enjoyable.