- Recently and unprecedentedly,
home prices AND stock prices (expressed in consumer purchasing power)
are contemporaneously far above extrapolated historical trends.
Chart y-axis is 0-100 for both Real Dow and Real Homes;
for each, the all-time high is made equal to 100.
The Real Dow and the 1.64 %/yr curve (here extrapolated) are from
"the compelling Real DJIA, 1924-now" at
The Real Homes data are from a Robert J. Shiller website:
annual Real Home Price Index data
in Excel file
Fig2.1Shiller.xls (Mon, Jun 4, 2007, 7:08 PM)
downloaded from
on June 5, 2007. The latest datum is for 2007 Q1.
NOTE: as elaborated at
The New York Times published a plot such as Real Homes on 8/27/06, and
The Wall Street Journal published a plot such as Real Dow on 3/30/99.