回家就有照片上网,又看电视,十台已经在播出breaking news. 说本来预计1000人,最后达到5000人。华人空前团结。左找右找看不到自己。但是绝对看到我拉的那个条幅,于是打电话给妈,说今天新闻联播就看一个啥样啥样的条幅阿,记住那个条幅后边那些小脑袋有一个就是你姑娘!让妈妈借助想象力为我骄傲一次,呵呵。

回来,朋友打来电话,提醒我不要忘看我的偶像Keanu Reeves的Rove Live采访。前一阵和其他朋友谈起来,就记住了好像有这个采访。多亏了她,让我一点不差地看到!而且是现场!!!不像从前都是远距。
What can I say! Keanu Reeves is still so cool. I was once worried about age will change him. Now I am not worried at all. No matter what, he will always be the most attractive Hollywood star I have ever known. Love his new bear style, hehe. Very sexy! And his voice is so full of charm. I guess it is becuase he is being himself as Keanu Reeves in the show instead of a character in the film. So we can feel the real cute him as a person. Loved his sense of humor, which I had to admit I did not see much before in interviews. It must have been time and experience that made him more relaxed about life. Rove is a funny guy himself so he is getting along with the MAN! Only mistake Rove made was that he asked Keanu if he can dance. Every fan of Keanu should know the man can dance!!!
Loved the show , Loved it! I heard myself laughing hard when they joked.
Man! Want to hear something crazy from a fan like me? It is amazing Keanu now is breathing the same air with me in Melbourne!!!
四月17号,星期四,Street Kings 在全国Release. Can't Wait!