

Advance payment: 预缴款项

Agreed: 商定的

Agreement: 协议

Addenda: 补遗

Attest: 签字证明

Arbitration: 仲裁

Award: 仲裁裁决

Bill of lading: 提货单

Borne: 负担

Cargo: 货物

Certificate of Conformity: 合格证明书

Confirmed letter of credit: 保兌信用証

Consignee: 收货人

Country of origin: 原产地国

Crane lifting: 起重机提升

Customs Clearance: 结关

Delivered: 交货的

Delivery: 交货

Discount: 折扣/贴现

EEC: 欧共体

Export license: 出口许可证

Factory price: 出厂价

Force Majeure: 不可抗力

Forwarder: 货运代理人

Freight prepaid: 运费预付

General Provisions: 通用规则

Gosstandard RF 俄罗斯标准验证科研所

Harmonized Commodity Deion and Coding System


Hereof 在本文件中

In the name of the Consignee: 以收货人为抬头

In the Seller’s favor: 以卖方为受益人

Insurance certificate: 保险凭证

Interdiction: 封锁

Inviolate: 不变

Invoice: 发票

Irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit:


Issued in the name of: 以…为抬头

Jurisdiction: 管辖区域

Liable: 责任

Loading and shipment: 装运

Ocean waybill: 海运运货单

Ocean bill of lading: 海洋运输提货单

Packing list: 装箱单

Packing and marking: 装箱和标志

Remittance: 电汇

Roll-On/Roll-Off: 滚上/滚下

Shipper: 承运人

shipment: 装运

Repayment: 还款

Terms: 条款

Terms and conditions: 交易条件

Term L/C: 远期信用证

Total value: 总值

Warranty: 保证书/保证条款.

Waybill: 运货单
