大同学如愿以偿拿到了他喜欢的小学校的candidates, 但学校网站上的一封写给落选者的信,非常感人。看看人家是如何写的:
February 5, 2009
The day after…
This is, by far, one of the hardest parts of our jobs.
After spending 6 weeks poring over essays and transcripts, recommendations and resumes, DVDs and newspaper clippings, we had to narrow the field from 850 applicants to 190 Candidates.
There are hundreds of truly deserving candidates.
There are hundreds of students who could be amazing contributors to the Olin Community.
You are all talented and incredible people.
As trite as it may sound, we wish we could bring you all to Candidates’ Weekends. But being the tiny institution that we are, we can only bring about 190 to campus.
We know many of you would like to know the EXACT reason why you were not invited to Candidates’ Weekend. And yet, as unsatisfying as it may be to you, it ultimately boils down to the numbers… 190 spots waiting to be filled by 850 talented, extraordinary people. We agonized over these decisions – there were tears and tantrums, and even some marathon team meetings. Please know that there was nothing “lacking” in you or your application. The letter from us should have no bearing on how you see yourself as a student or a person. In the end, it isn’t about what you “didn’t do” or could have “done better” but that there are just too many terrific students applying for only a handful of spots.
We hope that others are telling you this as well: you will have plenty of great college options this year.
Take the same passion for learning that you shared with us, and carry it with you, no matter where you go in life. It will serve you well, and in the end, that’s way more important than a letter from a college.
Stay well, and best wishes from the entire Olin Admission Team.
~Emily and Caitlin