回到你对这篇故事的辩论,我忘了你在什么地方说了但我记得大意是大季现在如此这般帮娘家和弟弟,那将来二季一家和他的孩子还不是要大季负责到底?在这场辩论中你自始至终犯了辩论者常犯的错误叫“Fallacy of Slipery Slope”。不知道你懂不懂什么叫“Fallacy of Slipery Slope”,我知道你不是学文科的,我在这里给你举一个理科的例子, the anti-stem-cell slippery slope argument goes like this: “If you permit scientists to destroy human embryos for the purpose of research, it's a slippery slope from there to killing human fetuses in order to harvest tissue, and from there to euthanizing disabled or terminally ill people to harvest their organs, and from there to human cloning and human-animal hybrids, and if making chimeras is okay, well then Dr. Frankenstein must also be okay, and Dr. Mengele, too, and before you know it, it's one long hapless inevitable slide from high-minded medicine to the Nazis。”
From the very beginning, I pointed out that your problem is your behavior (You are entitled to your opinion just as anyone else here). Then your behavior got worse and worse. It raised grave concerns. Your behaviors tell a lot about your upbringing and your family environment.
You need to fix them before they go to next generation. The only way out is to face them and admit them first. It is the first step. Denial will lead you to nowhere. Go get help! Do it for you and for your own child.
greentree01 发表评论于
Denial is not a solution. Facing your problems and fixing them before they pass down to next generation. Go and get help. Go to see some licensed professionals to help you.
greentree01 发表评论于
Only try to make up lessons your family failed to teach you. That's why you need special help.
greentree01 发表评论于
Your behaviors have told all. Refusal to admit your problems will lead to more problems. Go and get special help!
greentree01 发表评论于
You need special help.
You will be found. You will be taught how to be a person.
It do not matter how you react!
greentree01 发表评论于
Eduating you is not a bad thing. Teach you how to be a person is not a bad thing. Your behavior here is well out of line. It indeed indicates that you need special help. If you refuse help from me. You can go to seek counseling services (maybe they can help your better). Your behavior(s) did indicate serious problem. It does not matter you admit or not.
greentree01 发表评论于
You need help. You need special help because of your behavior.
greentree01 发表评论于
You need special help. You need to be taught.
greentree01 发表评论于
You need special help, very specialized help. You need to be taught.
greentree01 发表评论于
No more excuses for your behavor. You need special help. You need to be taught in person.
greentree01 发表评论于
Your behavior reveals your nature.
When you realize consequences, it will be too late. You need to be taught.
Mental retardation can not cover up your real problem. You are totally messed up.
You will be found. You will be taught in person.
greentree01 发表评论于
As I said, your basic intelligence is in question. It took you 300 years to figure out what happened to you. No wonder you behaved the way you did here.
Still, you will be found. I have evidence.
You need to be taught how to be a person to make up your childhood deficit.
greentree01 发表评论于
Your basic intelligence is in question!
Still, nothing absolves your liability for your behavior here. You will be found and a lesson must be taught in person.
greentree01 发表评论于
It is all about your behavior. Outrageous behavior.
You will be identified. And, you will be taught in person.
greentree01 发表评论于
Ridiculous! Who wants the man in your house.
You will be identified!
greentree01 发表评论于
You have trouble identifying. You do not want to people know you and the child have the same father.
greentree01 发表评论于
Your behavior toward others are simply outrageous. I can not allow you to act like that here. You deserve condemnation.
greentree01 发表评论于
No, you were worried about how to identify your child's father. That's why you behaved the way you did. All the symptoms you exhibited here have already indicated your nature.
Do not hide. You will be reavealed.
You logic is a rascal. You know you are guilty otherwise you would be different. As I said, it is when, not if. Then you will be taught in person how to be civilized. Your family did not teach you. Others will.
Your identity will be revealed.
opinion 发表评论于
That woman started first. The first sexually related dirty and ugly words came from that woman on 11-21-09. I remember I was so disgusted when I read it.
That's why xglforever had a pray appeal right after that on 11-22-09.
greentree01 发表评论于
You will have to explain everything.
greentree01 发表评论于
You behaved as a rascal because you can not reason. You will pay for it when I identify you. Keep in mind, it is "When" not "If."
Greentree01 发表评论于
I will identify you -- it is only a matter of time.
All your dirty words are printed out by me as evidence.
Greentree01 发表评论于
You made yourself a rediculous low being here. You have no choice but to reserve to your filthy nature -- that reveald your true nature and your home environment. Sorry about what you have experienced in your own home. You are twisted, malfunctioning and sorry being. Your behavior and what your revealed made you a perfect patient in psychiatric hospital. It is only a matter of time for you to be there.
I am back. If I know you in real life, I will teach you a very good lesson!!! Do not hide yourself.
opinion 发表评论于
You are wrong. That woman does not have nuclear weapon - those dirty words can be put on herself. That woman first attacked people with countryside background; then cursed ALL those whose opinion is different from hers. She wants to stop others expressing their opinion. When confronted about her bad behavior, she kept getting worse and worse. Then we saw the verbal war. From the beginng to the end, that woman has proved that she is totally uncivilized.
真妮的粉丝们,让我们共同为这位被撒旦捆绑的绿色的精灵祈祷吧:神啊,你是无所不能的神,求你用你的大能赶走邪灵对绿色精灵的捆绑吧,求你用你的大手抚摩她以医治她的心和她的灵。也求你保佑她的新生的孩儿,赐福予他们母子。众粉丝们,我们也要抱着一颗神所赐给我们的怜悯的心,去原谅这位绿色精灵吧,因为她不知道她在做什么她在说什么。This prayer under Jesus Name, Amen!
I came back accidently, and see 绿色的精灵 has not learned anything from debate. I respected her opinion,however, she is still so rude to the people who has the different opinion from hers.
I just feel very sad for her husband and children, those surrounding her.
绿色的精灵 her own behaviours proved and remind us there are such kind of evil people in this world.
You do have a thick face -- extraordinary thick face!
Shame on you!!
It doesn't matter who you are (man or woman), having baby or not having baby, your behavior here is not acceptable. If you are truly having a baby, then it makes it worse because you just set a terrible example for your baby... Shame on you again!!!
greentree01 发表评论于
The words you gave out are perfect for yourself. You are a bigot.
Your problem is not your opinion. You are entitled to your opinion just as anyone else here. Your problem is that you can not tolerate others whose opinion is different from yours. You show no respect for others. You attack, you curse... You behavior is not compatible with "civilized quality" as you claimed you have.
Again and again, You exhibited behaviors of a juvenile delinquent. You should be ashamed of yourself!
greentree01 发表评论于
All you know is to curse those who have different opinions from yours. One more time, you have demonstrated your low being nature. Sorry, you are just a sad story.
I think it is very interesting to debate with 绿色的精灵. Especially opposite opinions inspire each other. It would be perfect if not saying those dirty words during debating.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
Nobody will be 误导 by any body. Just own decision, own ideas!
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
I should kill myself if I cannot recognize who should be not be trusted.
I would never he你玩 again. I think everybody has own brain, they will think themself, it is free in USA, they know what to do themself. They will read many different resources and make own decisions.Nobody will be 误导 by a thoughtful person.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
你当我笨咩?我会先装做很善良的样子接近你,和你做朋友,帮你小忙,请你吃饭喝酒,培养感情。等到了一定时候,偶就装做seriously need ur help,痛下杀手!!!
I should kill myself if I cannot recognize who should be not be trusted.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
I trust my relatives and friends, it does not mean I trust any body. As I said there are some body who are not so independent, but I trust my relatives and my husband's relatives.
Impossible to give you money. But I would never go to police if my relatives loaned my money and not return to me.
I meant that now you are threating me.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
Finally, still thank you very much for your opinion and valuable discussion though you have so different, almost opposite opinion from mine. I learned more how some people like you is different from me. Thanks a lot!
要是你能悄悄话告诉我你的真实身份和地址电话email,我就很感谢你了。by the way,你身边存的钱,多么?
I meant that somebody I known like brother, relatives ask help, I will help, not meaning strange people like you. 小季's brother is not strange.
Of course, the company can be 0 profit after 公款给自己买车,坐头等舱旅游也要用公款报销. Then it is how the running a company, then if 2 much disagreement, just breaking up, as family, just divorce, or suicide, or murder tragdy.
Profit is not before cost calculation it is after. And 公款给自己买车, 坐头等舱旅游也要用公款报销 is the cost, not profit.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
Finally, still thank you very much for your opinion and valuable discussion though you have so different, almost opposite opinion from mine. I learned more how some people like you is different from me. Thanks a lot!
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
And if you threat me, police will solve everything.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
Well, I may keep my assumption, you may keep yours. It does not matter. In some cases, you may be right. In some cases, I am right. I always try to help if somebody asking help, not just blaming him/her.
If according to your theory, 小家庭 = 公司, then profit from family should be divided into each of 2 partners, then it is each person's own way of using it as in 公司 profit is divided into each, and each partner uses it freely.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
I always believe that asking help is really in hard situation. Our assumption is not the same.
Well, I may keep my assumption, you may keep yours. It does not matter. In some cases, you may be right. In some cases, I am right. I always try to help if somebody asking help, not just blaming him/her.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
1. please answer my question firstly. Profit can be used freely?
This is after breaking up, not before, 小季 cannot get his profit normally anymore. If in a company, strong person only forces another 1 working, not get profit equally, not use money equally, do you know what to do? of course 做假账.
2. I cannot see 小季的弟弟 ls like you said, how would you know it?
well, I agree on this point. As I am this kind of person. However, we cannot require anybody the same like us. And as I said after 弟弟 married, stop any giving money.
3. At least most of people in the discussion do NOT think 这家人 has been ‘尽多尽要’,而且‘尽多尽用’。That is just your prediction, not the real happening.
This is after breaking up. You can say the same as 2nd point. Many people cannot refuse big money from brother. And many people in China, especially think the earning in USA is quite easy. There are some misunderstanding.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
I always believe that asking help is really in hard situation. Our assumption is not the same.
I admire there might be that kind of person like you said, at least most of us did not understand 小季的弟弟 like that from 真妮's original article.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
well, I cannot see this from 真妮's article.
"小季要是能够tell 弟弟be independent after giving 一万,他10年前给1000的时候,就能教导他弟弟自立啦。20岁的人不能independent,到了30岁给了1万美金,他弟弟倒能够independent啦".
It seems that you know 小季 very well.
I am quite optimistic person, so I expect most of people like being independent. I always asking help is really in hard situation.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
From 真妮 original article, I cannot see "小季本来就没少往家里捎钱,但是他父母还过着贫苦的生活,什么补丁被子之类,这些一点儿也不让人觉得奇怪。" . And "当小季把餐馆营业额往老家寄的时候,他的父母兄弟每月收到巨款,如果换了懂事的人,一般来说,会告诫长子‘钱够了,别寄了’,然后把多余的钱储蓄起来,或者做另外的合理性投资,不会做买卖也学个手艺之类。但是他的家人是怎么做的呢?为自己扎面子,拿着长子的钱办奢华的婚宴,造全村最大的屋子。他们一家3口,加上小季的媳妇4个人,需要住全村最大的房子么?在向兄嫂讨要钱财的情况下,小季弟弟有这个能力,结婚宴请全村人么?" happened after after 小季 broken up with 小薇. After marriage breaking up, it is weired, and tragedy is going on already,very sad, and many people also said 小季 should not do like this. Buy also why 小薇 not realized her strong control is forcing 小季 to the other extreme end. This is why we are discussing here, and deal with our own life better, not just 骂人.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
We are talking about 一万 dollar, not the future. As I said, 小季 should tell 弟弟 be independent after giving 一万 dollar for marriage, not continuously ask 小季 for further life..
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
1. please answer my question firstly. Profit can be used freely?
2. I cannot see 小季的弟弟 ls like you said, how would you know it?
3. At least most of people in the discussion do NOT think 这家人 has been ‘尽多尽要’,而且‘尽多尽用’。That is just your prediction, not the real happening.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
I agree 50-50 is because I do not want arguing. Actually contribution to family is never equal, always one more than another. Of course, that is not the reason to use money freely, we treat each other equally as we love each other..
But according to your partner theory, calculation of contribution should be clear, and profit after 公司 cost such as necessary house, food, clothes etc should be divided to each, I think in this family 公司 大季 earned 一万 dollar profit. Therefore he can still use this 一万 dollar freely.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
Ok, 50-50 according to your point, I do not argue with you on this shares. Do you agree still the profit from family 公司 each of partner can use it freely?
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
sorry that I cannot write Chinese, and I cannot wait, I said that I would discuss with you, however, I have to write something now.
I like your theory, according to your 公司 partner theory, partner has the right to decide how to use the profit from 公司, another partner cannot interfere another, do you agree this?
I think 大季 should own 70% stock of this family's 公司 as he went to US first, he contribute more than 小薇, so he can use 一万 dollar without asking 小薇. So 小薇 is not reasonable.
This wife "Ba Dao" "Ba Fu." She controls everything. The husband's fault is that He loved Her. She used his love to control him. That's the tragedy. So I advise men to be careful to discern this kind of evil women. And, be honest, there are many this kind of Chinese women out there.
1. In this family, the head of house is the wife, not the husband. The wife has been doing what she wants for long, long time. The wife should be responsible.
2. Nothing is wrong for the husband to "save face." It is the wife who made the husband to lose face at the first place. And, the wife hae been doing what she wants for a long time.
3. The wife's mother has been living with them for a lont time. Sure, the husband's side family deserves something too.
4. Without the husband's effort, the wife and her mother can not come to the U. S. at all. And the wife always counts and recounts that the husband owes her...
The wife is a horrible wife. The wife deserves severe punishment.