H) 船上提供高水平全面影像服务。各种场合照相,预约专业照相,专业录像,专业电脑画像等数码影像技术服务。船长 2 段时间安排和客人私人合影,我和船长合影后,第二天在影像服务档案里找到合影照片,我问摄影中心服务员你是怎么知道我的 ID 的。他说我们有脸部电脑扫描识别系统,船上任何人只要脸部被照就可以查到 ID ,这让我大开眼界哈。过去在其他邮轮拍照照片都是放在照片架上让客人自己认领,现在是完全电脑脸部识别后存放在隐私的档案架上,你的照片得到隐私保护。所以船上重要 VIP 照片也没有被曝光在公开的照相架上哈
I) 冰上舞蹈剧场叫 Studio B, 每天晚上安排做冰上舞蹈表演。白天有时将滑冰场开放给客人免费滑冰玩,出租滑冰鞋等器具。这也是新邮轮很特别的活动之一。
Hi, I'm in Bahamas right now for vacation, and the day before yesterday we saw this huge boat from our hotel, and it is said that every Friday this boat always stops at the port of Nassau in Bahamas. Bahamas's resort is so beautiful and amazing. I don't regret choosing to spend my vacation in a resort instead to take the cruising, but next time I'd definitely like to try this boat... Soon when I return home from the vacation, I gonna open a blog like yours to share with friends... Thanks.
78级兴趣 发表评论于
如果你自己有滑冰鞋就带上吧,上船没有行李限制,而且check in 后有船上服务员帮你行李送房间。
Freeport 发表评论于
Thank you for the posting. I've been following the info of this ship for quite a while. Just a question: how much is the rent for the skates? I'm just thinking whether to bring them ourselves: if three of us skate 2 to 3 times during the cruise, it might be worth it. Is helmet to be rented separately? Thanks