今天,众院新上任的发言人,多数党领袖John Boehner 接受了NBC 每周日的“Meet the Press”节目采访,在被问及共和党决心要在本财政年度消减1000亿的政府开支,及对经济恢复产生的影响时,毫不犹豫地说道:“We Are Broke! – 我们破产了,而且真正的危险是我们无所作为,并将这个状态继续下去。我们必须进行严肃的消减,而且就是现在。”
我支持tibuko的50年说。从apple到波音(我数不过来),无数最优秀的企业还是在美国。中国企业赶了几十年了,在技术,品牌,国际化及创新能力上远远不及日本,更何况和美国比。美国的另一大优势是教育,那些个好大学我也数不过来,中国的任何大学都乌烟瘴气这是事实。这次是美国的金融业破坏了美国的经济,但制度和创新的实力和优势没有遭到破坏。中国的制度是破坏创新力的制度。你可别提J20,离列装至少有10年,很长的to do list和pending issues.
The Jews control the USA and have been the mastermind of revolutions in England, France, China, Russia....now Egypt..., but it is hard to impose more revolutions in countries like China who has been in revolution for the past 100 years; and the Chinese government is a puppet of the Jews too, just like Obama and Putin; by the way, the French President is a Jew.
When the American people realize one day that they have to have a revolution to overthrow the Zionist dictator who control at least 50% of the American wealth, then the Jews will get what they deserve.
田林 发表评论于
Alexren 发表评论于
I am just state the basic fact. Whether it is right or not is not my concern. Tell you one more fact that most US citizen even do not have to pay fed income tax if they deposit their income in IRA or 401k. But they have to pay state tax and state budget have to be balanced.
In my state, the state of Oklahoma, we just passed the so called English only law. Make it illegal to use tax money for foreign language, there are 14 states passed similar law forbiden use tax money for so called education. I know in China. You have to study English to do almost anything which probably will lead to what happened in middle east because of your education.
You forget a basic fact that the money printed in USA is for the countries like China. Japan and Mexica. All the states in the US have to banlance the budget. They can not loan money from the Feds. No matter how many money the government printed. They are backed by the military power of US. That is why more than half of the US budgets is defence related. For example. Education depart. Only 46 billion Defence depart 727 billion. And the politician is talking about cut some from that 46 billion. But nobody dare to cut anything from the 727 billion. Army is the priority.
作者只知其一,不知其二。如果美国是一个封闭市场,印钱过多,会造成大通胀(魏玛共和国先例),但美元是世界储备货币。美元泛滥,是美国解决经济危机的不二法门。(1)通胀导致实际债务缩减(monetize the debt),(2)美元疲软导致进出口更趋向平衡,(3)美元全世界流通,最终还是会流通回到美国对实体经济产生作用。那为啥美元地位不会动摇?两个原因,一,美国仍是世界唯一超级大国,军事政治地位50年不可动摇,欧、日、中都自身问题更多,完全不具备替代美国的实力。二,美国是世界总需求的最后保障。伯南克印钱,其实是变相掠夺世界资源,跟美军控制中东,保证石油低价是一回事。而任何以实体商品替代美元的想法,对美元不会造成致命冲击,黄金、石油、粮食都在美国掌握之中。你身在美国,享受全世界最低的价格,(包括资金价格),应该感谢伯南克,而不是谩骂。美国的地位,是你能够以一个中产打工身份,住得起在中国只有亿万富翁才敢买的豪宅的唯一原因。
We can print green paper as much as we like and get what we want from world with these green paper.
That is why we have so enjoyable life here and why most things are cheap here. For example, Today, the price of oil in US is about $95/barrle and in Londan, it is about $110.