1. WTF: What The Fuck. 中文含义:操蛋. 注意:金山翻成:问心无愧 (http://translate.google.com/translate_t?hl=&ie=UTF-8&text=%0D%0A%E8%89%B2%E7%8B%BC&sl=zh-CN&tl=en#en|zh-CN|%0D%0Awth%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A)
2. Great XD:very happy.... The X is for squinty eyes, and the D is for a great big smile!!!,中文:美晕了
注意:金山翻成: 伟大的Xd
3. LOL:Laugh Out Loud , 中文含义:大笑 (或:笑出声)
4. OMG: Oh My Gosh or Oh My God. 中文含义:我的天哪 (或:天哪)
小结: Google online EC/CE MT could not deal with some new words because its bilingual dictionaries were provided by Chinese Jingshan.
因为中国金山公司那些家伙还不知道把一些有用的英语火星文放到词典里,所以 在狗狗的英中/中英在线机器翻译中,你不可能得到正确的结果。