材料:生鸡蛋两个放少许盐打匀,卷心菜10片洗净切块,胡萝卜半根切圆片,Yellow Squash (超市买的,没有也无妨)一个切片,葱半颗切葱花,蒜一瓣切片,姜一片切丝。
(2)锅中再放半大勺橄榄油,下蒜姜稍煸炒一下放入胡萝卜翻炒约两分钟后放入卷心菜和Yellow Squash,翻炒均匀后加水盖上锅盖,至水基本烧干时放盐,鸡蛋翻炒均匀关火盛盘。
备注:大勺=15 毫升(table spoon),茶勺=5毫升(tea spoon), 一杯= 160 毫升。
Yellow Squash 是在超市看到的,和生瓜(Zucchini)放在一起,属于同一个家族。形状很象两头尖的陀螺,颜色如蛋黄一样漂亮,回来发现味道平和,放在菜里既可以增加黄色蔬菜带来的营养又给整盘菜添色。下面有一段从英文网Copy的有关Yellow Squash的介绍:
Yellow squash
This small, sweet squash has a slightly flattened top and scalloped edges. Both the skin and flesh are edible. Squash is an excellent source of vitamin C and contains dietary fibre. Select firm squash that's heavy for its size and has smooth, glossy skin. Store in a sealed plastic bag in the fridge for up to three days. Simply wash and cook whole, sliced or cut into wedges.