Duke 大学就有 "need-blind admissions” 政策,也就是学校需要先考虑学生是非在学业上合格入学,而不考虑经济上是否负担的起,等学生被录取之后,学校的 Financial Aid 部门再把所录取的学生的资料汇总,以决定需要资助的学生和资助的数额。比如说,一个孩子被 Duke 录取了,他的父母只能负担一年两万的教育费用,孩子在 Duke 一年所需花费的大约五万五美金,那么 Duke 就会为这个孩子提供三万五的助学金。这三万五可能由两万五的 Grant, 七千元的学生低率贷款和三千元的 work study 组成。通常助学金的 Pacakge 是由这三种不同形式的助学金所组成的。
低利率贷款通常是一种或以学生的名字或以家长的名义所贷的款,好处是利率很低,坏处是有一天你需要还账的! Grant 可以说是一种奖金,你是不需要将来还这笔钱的。 Work-study 勤工俭学顾名思义,学生自己做些力所能力的工作换取报酬,学校里的工作比如图书管理员、学校餐厅服务员等等。
据说很多很好的私立大学已经用 Grant 完全取代了低利率贷款,尤其是对那些家庭收入不高需要经济上补助的学生。比如,哈佛和耶鲁大学,如果学生的家庭收入在六万美金以下,学生一分钱都无需付给学校。加州有所不错的私立文科学院 Pomona College , 如果学生家庭收入在四万五以下,学生可以拿到所谓 Full ride 的全额 Grant. 而普林斯顿更是全美唯一的“无贷款”高校,他们誓言满足他们学生的所有教育相关的经济需要,即使是国际学生也一视同仁!
I appreciate your effort to share, but don't mislead people with limited data.
Financial aid is very complicated, especially in current economic condition. Comparing and negotiating from differ offers is important. No school will offer free education to middle class. Chinese always have very high EFC.
beautyinautumn 发表评论于
Here is the Princeton Web link about their no-loan policy: http://www.princeton.edu/admission/financialaid/whats_great/
"Because our no loan policy replaces student loans with grants, Princeton's remaining self-help package is one of the lowest among our peer institutions."
Yangtze430030 发表评论于
Please elaborate this statement and back it up! My impression is it's not true.
cncjcc 发表评论于
Thank you for the info. on 529, beauty. It sounds like a lot of us Chinese who have "decent" jobs won't qualify "free" money at Ivy League schools based on annual income. You have also confirmed what I have heard about 529 - the more you save, the more EFC. If we save 529 money in our own banks, it has the same effect on EFC calculation, right? So, where should we stash our money that is NOT going to be counted towards EFC, but can be converted into money when our kids go to college and need the money? Invest in houses, gold?? I have heard some people move money under grandparents name. So complicated!
回复jtms的评论:How do you knwo I did not visit colleges? If you read my articles before, you know I wrote "藤的魅力" and " 三下新泽西" two years ago. You probably should read more of my writings first. :)
美丽风景 发表评论于
云来得真快, 等下篇。
jtms 发表评论于
I think you need to do more research or college visit before write anything.