回复孤舟蓑笠翁50的评论:Really, what is her name? I am curious.
BeautyinAutumn 发表评论于
New Jersey College
孤舟蓑笠翁50 发表评论于
One of my classmates (I think his wife knows you), the parents wanted their kid to go to a top school, but the kid only applied one (not so top) school, get full scholarship, enjoyed an easier medical track program, have a lot of social life too.
Their parents wished for top schools, but I told them: if he wanted to be a Prof, than good school is important; since he wanted to be a Doc, I think his choice is better :) ...
eyc168 发表评论于
cncjcc 发表评论于
就是不做医生,又有多少人在乎你是哪个学校毕业的?可能是因为自己不是什么名牌学校毕业的,我不知道what I am missing, 所以也不在乎自己的孩子上什么学校。能上名牌就上,不能就上普通的。 我在想上过名牌学校的人会基本上比别人快乐,比别人有钱,还是别的?有钱也许(可能比较努力),快乐可能就不一定了。看大家人生追求吧。
beautyinautumn 发表评论于
bill2011 发表评论于
Kids choose famouse top ranking colleges, only parents choose those kind of colleges.
The same situation in my family.